
星期五, 5月 28, 2010

Scopus 也可以在iPhone上使用了

Elsevier has built a new iPhone application, Scopus Alerts (Lite), that gives researchers mobile access to the searching and alerting features of Scopus.

   這個應用程式稱為:Scopus Alerts (Lite) application,目前已經可以下載了,安裝之後登錄即可查詢Scopus的資料庫中超過18,000筆期刊的摘要等資訊。除此之外還有其他功能,但因為我們沒訂Scopus,所以只是下載下來給大家參考,沒訂購只能進到下面的畫面,再來就要登錄了。

Study of Open Access Publishing(SOAP) 線上調查

   由歐盟委員會(European Commission)所資助的The SOAP Project,最近發佈了一項問卷,想要了解,研究人員對Open Access Publishing的經驗,這份問卷調查的對象不限歐洲,館員也可以回答,大約7-8分鐘就可以完成,有空的人不妨回應一下。
This survey is being conducted by the SOAP (Study of Open Access Publishing) project, financed by the European Commission. The study is investigating publishing practices and attitudes towards Open Access publishing. More information about the SOAP project can be found on the project's public website.


註1:The SOAP Project 為期兩年,從2009年三月起至2011年二月止。
註2:關於 歐盟委員會(European Commission;EC) 較完整的說明