
星期三, 12月 27, 2006

【網站】音樂性網站 TheMusicSack

寫圖資部落格的好朋友,Peter Scott's Library Blog,簡短的介紹了這一個TheMusicSack,音樂性的網站,不過大家別誤會,這不是下載MP3的地方。

   這是一個音樂性的資料庫,一個個人的網站,站長透過University of Toronto的協助,取的大部分資料後,再繼續增加。
   (1) 1,000,000 (One million) people
   (2) The location of 1,858,376 articles and books that have information about these one million people (click the quantity to see more information)
   (3) 8,963 Groups and bands and the 26,958 people who have played in them
   (4) 880 churches and cathedrals and the 7,900 people who have made music in them
   (5) 11,793 concerts given by 1,956 pianists
   (6) 151,482 individual (musical) performances given at 153 theatres
   其實我對音樂不在行,連五線譜我都看不懂,簡譜旁邊我得要寫注音才能知道發音,所以我就簡單的在尋找人(Search for People)底下用職業(By Occupation)這個選項來做搜尋,我下的關鍵字是librarian,共找到433個人,找到的資料條目敘述很少,例如這些館員裡面,有一個叫Zaun, Marian Virginia的,她是女高音,引用的資料來源是"Chicago: Who is Who in Music, 1951, 576 p.",那如果是查樂團(Search for Bands and Groups)的話,我用U2去查,也就只有這樣的資料:

rock band
Dublin, Ireland
另外還可以顯示樂團的成員(Display members)

Bono, (b.

Clayton, Adam
(b. 1960)

Evans, Dave "The Edge" (b. 1961)
Mullen, Larry
(b. 1960)



【研討會 】2007年與學術出版、電子資源有關的研討會


主題: APE 2007 - Innovation & Publishing
主辦單位:APE(Academic Publishing in Europe)
日期:January 23-24, 2007
地點:Berlin, Germany
議程:January 22,January 23January 24
備註:主題還滿有意思的,如how do the big search engines change our commercial models,也有Open Access的部份。

主題:Policy, Pricing and Purchasing
主辦單位:ASA (Association of Subscription Agents and Intermediaries)
日期:26-27 February 2007
地點:Cavendish Square, London W1G 0RN, UK
備註:這是代理商協會的年會,滿有趣的,期刊代理商們如EBSCO, SWETS都有參加
簡述:How the purchasing decision is taken, and the many factors that go to making the correct decision for a specific organisation are largely hidden as far as suppliers are concerned. However, it is important that they understand the process, the often conflicting concerns and the practical realities of decision taking in libraries if they are to match their pricing, services and value offers to meet the customers' requirements. This conference is all about making the purchasing decision and the factors that influence it. There are presentations from the world's leading experts on purchasing by libraries and consortia, the impact of new technology and standards on usage, how publishers try and match price to expectations, and the impact of the new discovery techniques on acquisitions and the form that they might take in the future. This conference will greatly increase our understanding of how purchasing and pricing decisions are taken, and the influence this may have on future acquisitions, sales and service. It is designed as a meeting ground for all involved in this decision making process -- publishers, librarians, agents and intermediaries.

主題:CERN workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication (OAI5)
日期:18-20 April 2007
地點:Geneva, Switzerland
The OAI series of workshops is one of the biggest international meetings of technical repository-developers, library Open Access policy formulators, and the funders and researchers that they serve. The programme contains a mix of practical tutorials given by experts in the field, presentations from cutting-edge projects and research, posters from the community, breakout discussion groups, and an intense social programme which has helped to build a strong network amongst previous participants. The event is almost unique in bringing together these scholarly communication communities and is proud to continue this tradition with the OAI5 workshop in 2007.

主題:The Next Generation: Endless Choices & Economic Constraints
主辦單位:International Association of Scientific, Technical & Medical Publishers
日期:24-26 April 2007
地點:Cambridge, Massachusetts, US
Wednesday, April 25
Morning Module 1: Emerging Behavior and Information Technology
Afternoon Module 2: Economics and Environment
Thursday, April 26
Morning Module 3: The Next Disrupters

簡述:We believe we understand current “information behaviors” of scientists, clinicians and professionals. Are there likely consequences of generational changes in behavior, expectations and available information resources in the not so distant future?
The STM Spring 2007 meeting is being held in Cambridge//Boston – a world center of scientific excellence. We are taking advantage of this venue to explore some of these emerging issues, while maintaining a characteristic STM viewpoint on practical end points.